The Pertinent Detox
When we look at Pandemic Response we see big problems right away. The hashtag #plandemic started trending on twitter in mid January 2020, not because people knew about virus, it was that they could recognize PR Campaigns. Unlike a PR Campaign a crisis should naturally rolls with new information coming out as the issues unfold. Like the natural online sharing over the Xmas break on the eve of the Pandemic Dr’s had shared early treatment protocols of which there were several. The early on Front Runner was Hydroxychlouroquine and Zinc, as from a 2007 study zinc inside cells curbs coronavirus replication. Instead of this revelation being touted as hopeful as even Fauci had lauded it at the time as a terrific break through, instead it was attacked rhetorically without substance. As were the other treatments some used to save whole Nations from the virus saving their people their economy and avoiding the repercussions of having taken the other path. Unfortunately thanks to that other path, a lot of BC may be immune compromised, to them all, I encourage a look into the detox.
There are 3 items that should cause you need for concern. The Spike Protein your body now manufactures. SV40 a DNA fragment known to trigger cancers, and Nanotec, microscopic self assembling droids? These all have simple solutions that have demonstrated results.
The most common because its what the treatments encouraged your body to manufacture, the Spike Protein, evidence is growing that it causes a range of issues. This is why many Dr’s have been prescribing various treatments to help the body rid itself of them, Bromilean from pineapples & NAC a digestive enzyme, taken together twice a day were shown to work the best. Published by NIH USA Dec 2021. You can get these health supplements at many shops in your area for about $35. each twice a day for life. or until you’ve found a credible lab and looked into your situation thoroughly.
The second issue you will need to address in some manner is the SV40 found in both treatments Plizer & Mdrna. Reported from several different labs from many Nations examining what is found in the shots and the resulting effects to peoples blood and health. The DNA fragment SV40 was found among others, these are we know fragment used for 80 years as a cancer stimulant, given to lab mice to make them more likely to get tumours so they can work on them. One day thankfully a batch of them got worms, they were treated by ivrmctn, I spell it wrong to honour the censorship it was under. Any way it helped with the worms but also shrank their tumours! Ivrmctn is the greatest! It helps your cells in 14 ways. Could have saved us from a lot of misery and may come in handy in your future. People take it as a prophylactic, a med you take to prevent yourself from falling ill. It has a safety profile 66 times safer than Tylenol. Its on the UN’s Medical Essentials check list.
The third one hopefully the last one is Nanotec. Reports of these strange microspic droids sure were baffling when reports started coming out from various labs and researchers across the Globe. There is a researcher who discovered nanotec in some dental anaesthetics, then started seeing if anything upset them? He has found Nicotine works well at eroding the nanotec. 1/7th of a patch a day will erode your nanotec away. Search ‘Rafa Calvin Nanotec Nicotine’ he found a berry that works too!
There a great amount of work to do sorting out where service exists verses where corruption abides. We will find truths supporting services and lies supporting corruption. Evidence is what matters so join the numbers and openly engage your self in describing our world envisioning changes and growing support for those changes.

Encouraging Debate
Open Sourcing debate in a healthy supportive manner has mountains of potential. Since our Political System is based on Healthy Debate but sadly short on it, lets strive to do exactly that.
Rules of Engagement
The goal is to grow understanding on many issues. We have to learn from diverse segments of our community. So be clear & concise with your responses, be willing to show reference links and what people should expected to be find there. Having feelings on issues is wonderful but posting about them will only warm the hearts of those already on your side, so instead focus on facts and placing them in context with regards to how they may be implicated. Think of it as a court case and make sure your evidence is legit. Next comes the criticism which is an equally important part, building on all this should lead to higher levels of understanding which should lead to better choices. How a functioning Democracy is supposed to perform.
BC needs to be making better choices or our Province will continue to erode with lower levels of service and higher rates on everything. Stand up to the narrative and discover what these choices are by talking to your neighbours calmly and reflect on what’s said, everybody knows some aspect of what’s been going on around us and there isn’t much to be impressed by.
Is it Global pressure with Local puppets implementing a bad plan or is it Local Hero’s helping BC avoid a Climate catastrophe? Everything seems to be getting worse.
Our Democratic Institution is founded on the principles of Open Democratic Debate posing the Ruling against Opposition in a well designed system of testing ideas for our future development. When the Parties work together serving masters other than Canadians and our Constitution its up to us to do something about it. The longer they continues us on this path BC has taken the harder our burdens will be to bare.
Donations are especially appreciated, Write a check to
‘Campaign to elect Steve Filipovic’ mail to: Steve Filipovic 1409 Arm Street Victoria BC V9A 4G8
$100 donation receives a $75 deduction from you income tax.
Climate of Alarm
Climate Alarm is big Business, it just swept up around us very fast. The debate was over before there was a debate? The BC Liberals had to do something, the NDP said its too expensive to do something, emerging unknown Greens shouted its way past time to do something, the BC Cons were the BC libs they had to do something. It was agreed that they should Tax the people and we have been paying Carbon Tax ever since. At no time has Co2 been an issue.
Warming, BC is warming incrementally over Centuries in a shift coined an Optimum by Latin Scholars 1,000’s of years ago. We have had several Optimums followed by Multi-Century shifts to longer winters called Minimums. Shifting between these two phases of our Climate we enjoy unusually warm temperatures in our present Interglacial Warm Period. Lucky us the deep freeze is over! These are not alarming scenarios, for those you need to look towards the PR Campaign.
With Billions spent annually keeping alarming topics on the news it gets tedious reading the volumes of lore Carbontax enthusiasts put out. Instead look to see if there is any evidence that what they are sharing is displayed by evidence, are the Oceans in unusual rise? Have the past established trends deviated from their predicted trends? Is seasonal melting off the charts?
If an Optimum is a multi century trend then wouldn’t it be normal to break warming records? 300 years ago the Thames river would freeze regularly up to 80 cm thick! Winter Festivals held for over a Century now no more, long gone at what loss? Its better now and that’s not because of co2 unless you count the extra growth in plant life. Co2 Fertilization is real, plants growing faster now than at any time in human existence! co2 alarm is not happening, no where is anybody confounded by today’s levels of co2.
There are many ways to dispel Co2 alarm. Is there a way to show Co2 is alarming? If you feel co2 is actually a huge problem please submit a paragraph or 2 out lining how co2 above its recently set record low maybe getting too high? Is it a stellar service our Government may actually be delivering via the Carbon Tax? Add the $20 read me fee and earn $400! If you are factually based. Upon accepting the challenge we will examine what was shared & test it for accuracy. If facts are shown to be in context and indicate Co2 is an issue we best deal with, you will be rewarded $400! Not bad for some homework of BC’s biggest issue! Only 1st correct answer get the award. Feel free to ask any thinking person for the answers.
If you understand Co2 alarm is contrived then please donate to the campaign, carbontax isn’t just going to disappear into thin air like co2.
You could also share how you figured it out! Fun!
Healthcare the Straight Arm technique
Our Government really took the Helm during the Pandemic and since doing so have managed no coherent evidence based policy for 4 years. Firing all the Health Professionals who understood our Government was failing them was a big red flag. They caused 2,500 Health Professionals to leave Health Care in BC. They had to sit idly by while the definition of vaccine was changed to include this latest round of treatment which was an obvious early warning that all the Parties ignored. When did you grow concerned over the convoluted approach to health in BC? It was prevalent from the start.
While Doctor’s publicly shared well articulated treatment options for covid and methods of prophylactics, medicine used to prevent infection by end of 2019, BC went the other way provided no direction for Doctor’s in BC besides, use Remdesivir and don’t use Hydroxychloroquine.
Remdesivir known to trash patients kidney and liver from Ebola trials 2018 where it was stopped from being used because of high death rate. Those dying of Liver & Kidney failure. In BC it was finally shelved after inflicting lots of damage. In the US Hospitals got $3,000 for administering it. They finally stopped too.
Hydroxychlouroquine was never a cure, it was part of helping the cure enter your cells. Since 2007 they have understood Zinc inside your cells prevented replication arresting the virus. an ionophore is required to help Zinc into Cell Ports, HQC is ionophore, there are others. Implications are that it did work or at least was shown to be beneficial if started early or used as a prophylactic, you can help Zinc into your cells with other ionophores like Quercetin from any Health Supplement shop. So now you know a cure to the common cold another corona virus. Quercetin & Zinc.
Vitamin D encouragement for all of BC was all that would have been necessary to save BC from the scourges of mutated common cold. demonstrated by Medical Data those who ended up at Hospital had low to no levels of Vitamin D, something you’d need to have pre loaded to have it be of benefit. Those with healthy levels managed the symptoms & returned to health.
This only takes us to January of 2020 there is still years of Malfeasance to come for this issue. India had its Protocols out by end of January, BC is still playing safe and effective regarding the treatments?
BC Health reported that the 52% of British Columbian’s who got triple vaxed represent 67% of the hospitalized, 62% of patients in critical care, and 77% of the deaths. The Spike protein may be making health complicated, more than 2 years ago Dr’s tested the various detox remedies that were being tried tested them in a lab and found Bromilean taken with NAC to work well. Both easily available at health supplement outlets.
Bromelian is from pineapples and NAC is a popular digestive enzyme shown to work best via study Published by NIH USA Dec 2021
Your Particular Insight
If you have been involved in and around an issue you would like to share information on or to Blog to this site. We will encourage others to contribute setting up a stage where debate and exchange of ideas is welcome and non adversarial. The point is to be thorough, accurate, and insightful. Any and every perspective has the possibility of instigating change or saving something existing now. The are multitudes of missing context in today’s issues presented by our main stream media, the more missing pieces we can find help us develop a improved understanding.
Volunteer and Membership
All movements depend on Membership and volunteering, so get involved! Drop your email into the submission port. We will be in touch and thank you!
Financial Support
Resources are vital for success with your support we will produce brochures with our developing understanding of the issues and provide support for our volunteers.
Donations of $5 $10 & $20 are wonderful support for the campaign.
Thank you for all your support!
Ambition for Victoria
Our Primary Goal is to expand our understanding of BC politics, so rewarding people to liaison to segments of our community in decentralized chapters encouraging competition and sharing pertinent revelations attained should help BC out of the swamp. We will be re-inventing the Media through these Liaisons, in an manner that provides service to understanding the issues, instead of serving stories to bolster corp profits like media in Canada today.
Sign up If you are keen and dedicated to accuracy and evidence.
Collaborate with fellow Liaisons.
- Showcase Issues various groups are working on.
- Mine the community for insight that helps grow our understanding of today.
- Find people able to reach others growing our base.
- Develop courses on information gathering vetting and disseminating.
- Develop tactics to out rhetorical campaigns aimed at warping perspectives.
- Encourage people everywhere to challenge the narratives we live under.

End Lazy Politics
- investigate Issues so we can articulate well and know which facts support the direction,
- Have Evidence ready on hand to support the perspective on expanding list of issues.
- Remain polite open to other ideas and do your best to be empathetic to the various views. That said there is no reason to put up with Pundits or other rhetorical quipsters.
“Climate alarm isn’t keen science trying to figure out Co2. Its strong PR campaigns pushing nonsense for a Carbontax.”
Steve Filipovic